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,,After you have got all your panels in, it is important to understand the overall flow of your comic strip from panel to panel. so, many 4. Your first panel is going flying insects the setting, the character, And the essential situation he's in. also, Our character is standing here waving at a video camera. The next panel is going to be basically further the introduction into a situation where you are going to start building up humor potential, Because you will need to get your audience to laugh, At least usually you do in comic strips. you will have some basic action going on in your comic strip, Which may largely build off of the last panel. inside of the third panel, I usually like to have some more action. in cases like this, Some papers are flying up around us. They're going around. There's some motion occurring. There's an element of triumph. Even without having words in here, You're kind of already getting that idea that this character's happy. Maybe he's over upbeat even. Then in the total panel, You typically have your punch line, Your humus court case. a lot of things kind of comes to a conclusion. site, Our character is disillusioned that his conceptions were very wrong, Which is of course funny because he came off as so cocky in the last frames. might be basic way and kind of the basic flow of your comic strips. have to plan these all out in advance. There really should not be a situation where we're just taking it on the fly and drawing panel by panel. Keep many panels in line and have an over arching motion and fluent feel to your comic strips.,Stir 3 tbsps of vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of garlic powder together in a large mixing bowl. In another bowl, Mix 2 cups of flour, 1/2 cup of wheat or grain germ, 1/2 of cup brewer's fungus, And 1 teaspoon of salt. Slowly add the oil and garlic mixture to dry foods, And stir in 1 cup of chicken broth when mix of becomes too dry. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until you get a doughy consistency. Roll dough onto a floured outer to about 1/4 inch thick. Use a knife to cut the dough into pieces, properly, For its own treat, Use cookie cutters to help dough into shapes. position the shapes onto a large, Greased cooking sheet, And bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 to 25 time or until edges are brown. let the shapes to cool for 2 hours, Then store them in plastic bags somewhere that dogs can't reach. FishRub the inside glass of a fish tank with plain, Non iodized sodium. Use a plastic pot scrubber to the particular hard water deposits or other buildup. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to a quart of freshwater, And let the fish swim for 15 short minutes. with regards to becomes a ball of dough, tone and roll it onto a breadboard. Use a blameless, or knife to cut shapes out of the dough.